Achievement Agency Architect baccarat Bahrain Businesses Towers Cannes Centre National du Graphisme Charleville-Mézières Chine Conservatoire Municipal Contest courchevel design sceno Dubai education transport Equipments Recreation Glass house Hangzhou Hotel Crillon Hotels Restaurants housing Hôtel JW Marriott Hôtel Villas & Spa Ibiza In progress lens Liban Marseille Ministère de la Culture Moatti Riviere museums Nanterre Office building Palais Stéphanie Beach Paris Retail Russian Design Show Saint Quentin Scenography Shopping Center Shopping Center Shopping Village Villevert Tour Eiffel WinlandMots clés
180 logements et commerces250 logements et commerces84 logements et commerces90 logements et bureauxArlesArrasbaccaratBagneuxBagnoletBanque de Francebatimat 2014Boulogne BillancourtCalaisCentre d’interprétation de la 1ère guerre mondialeCentre National du GraphismeChaiseChampigny-sur-MarneCharenton-le-PontCharleville-MézièresChâtillon-MontrougeChaumontCité de l’économie et de la monnaieCité de la prévention des risquesCité internationale de la dentelle et de la modeCité Internationale de la GastronomieCommissariat de policeConservatoire MunicipalDépartement des arts de l’Islamdesigndesign scenoDesigner’s Days 2013Espace du PalaisFigeacGares du Grand ParisGlass houseGrande HallehabitatHistorial Charles de GaulleHotbedHôtelHôtel 4*Hôtel de la MarineHôtel Villas & SpaIbiza (Espagne)Immeuble de bureauImmeuble de bureauxInstitut du Monde Arabel'orealla main jauneLe Club HôtelLes écritures du mondeles invalidesLes Nouveautéslivre interactiflumière naturellelustreLyon BronMelunMinistère de la CultureMonténégroMontreuilMultiplexe UGCMusée arts décos BorélyMusée ChampollionMusée d’histoire et d’archéologieMusée de la gendarmerieMusée du LouvreMusée et jardins Albert KhanMusée RimbaudMuseumNanterrePalais des FestivalsPark PalacePierre PaulinPôle culturel Saint-VaastPort du bout du mondePorto Skadar LakePoste du LouvreRaincy-VillemonbleRésidence étudiante de 176 chambresRestaurant de l’Hôtel SummerlandRestaurant S.T.A.Y BeirutRussian Design ShowSaint QuentinShopping CenterShopping Village VillevertSiège du Groupe AvrilSouchezSpa de l’Hôtel SummerlandSweet Tea BeiruttechnalToulouseTour EiffelTour TotalTours AillaudVersaillesYves Saint-LaurentEiffel TowerGreat HallWorld Expo 2015French PavilionMilanCity of risk preventionNew ProductsPolice StationRaincy-VillemombleGrand Paris Sations180 housings and shops90 housing and officesAillaud Towers25shopsLibanonRestaurant of the Summerland HotelLebanonHotel Summerland SpaPort of the end of the worldGendarmerie MuseumCharles de Gaulle HistorialMuseum Champollion – WritingsCultural Center Saint-VaastMuseum of History and ArcheologyCity of Economy and CurrencyAlbert Kahn MuseumGardensInterpretation Center of the 1st World WarLouvre MuseumDepartment of the Arts of IslamInstitute of the Arab WorldOffice buildingsRetailJean-Paul GaultierParisCentre BourseMarseilleAlain BorerAgencyMoatti RiviereCustomersIsla BlancaLouveciennesLyonLes FranciscainesNantesPaul Kock65 CroisetteNiceArchitectArchitectureBoutique YSLRomainvilleCannesRouenFabio BezzecchiGrégoire PlassonHôtel JW MarriottMarie-Pierre GuérinMathilde Félix-FaureScenographyAlain D. MoattiAchievementIn progressContestWorkspaceMonacoBahrainBusinesses TowersDubaiHotels RestaurantsJW Marriott Hotellensclub hotelcourchevelPalais Stéphanie BeachHotel CrillonLibanBank of FranceLouvre Post OfficeOffice buildingRue François 1erRue de La BoétieBoulevard HaussmannWinlandHangzhouChineAvril Group HeadquartersRennesEducation TransportsEquipments RecreationhousingmuseumsmuseumIbizaeducation transportmediacampusEquipments RecreationDeauvilleinvalidesthe yellow handRimbaud MuseumNicétoileMinistry of CultureInternational City of GastronomyCommercial SpaceShopping CenterBaccarat chandelierDesigner's DaysInteractive BookMoscouTechnal BatimatThe New Eiffel Tower ChairMunicipal Conservatory
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- Commercial Space, Hotel JW Marriott, Cannes
- Shopping Center, Champigny-sur-Marne
- Shopping Center, Nice
- 65 Croisette, Cannes
- Centre Bourse, Marseille
- Headquarters for the Jean-Paul Gaultier Group, Paris
- Shopping center, Rouen
- YSL Shop, Paris
- Shopping Center, Versailles
- working space
- 51-53 Boulevard Haussmann, Paris
- L’Oréal – 14 rue Royale, Paris
- 5-7 avenue du Coq, Paris
- Bank of France, Paris
- Louvre Post Office, Paris
- L.T devient Fragrance, Aubervilliers
- Office building, Boulevard Haussmann, Paris
- Office building, Rue François 1er, Paris
- Office building, Rue de La Boétie, Paris
- Winland, Hangzhou, Chine
- Avril Group Headquarters, Rennes
- hotel | restaurant
- Hotel 4*, Lens
- Le Club Hotel, Courchevel
- Palais Stéphanie Beach, Cannes
- Restaurant S.T.A.Y Beirut, Libanon
- Sweet Tea Beirut, Libanon
- JW Marriott Hotel, Cannes
- Baccarat Hotel, Dubai
- Hotel Crillon, Paris
- Hotel Villas & Spa, Porto Skadar Lake, Monténégro
- Restaurant of the Summerland Hotel, Lebanon
- Hotel Summerland Spa, Lebanon
- Port of the end of the world, Paris
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- Great Hall, Arles
- Ministry of Culture, Bahrain
- Eiffel Tower, Paris
- Les Héronnières, Fontainebleau
- Palais des Festivals, Cannes
- City of risk prevention, Saint Quentin
- New Products, Toulouse
- Carré de l’Hôtel de Ville, La Roche-sur-Yon
- Municipal Conservatory, Paris 12ème
- World Expo 2015, French Pavilion, Milan
- Multiplexe UGC, Paris
- Grand Paris Sations, Bagneux and Châtillon-Montrouge
- Police Station, Raincy-Villemomble
- cultural space
- Hôtel de la Marine, Paris
- Cultural Center Saint-Vaast, Arras
- Gendarmerie Museum, Melun
- International Center of Graphic Design, Chaumont
- Musée arts décos Borély, Marseille
- International City of Lace and Fashion, Calais
- Charles de Gaulle Historial, Paris
- Museum Champollion – Writings from around the world, Figeac
- Centre d’interprétation sensorielle des vins de Champagne, Ay-Champagne
- Nouveau Musée – Espace Napoléon, La Roche-sur-Yon
- Museum of History and Archeology, Marseille
- City of Economy and Currency, Paris
- Albert Kahn Museum and Gardens, Boulogne Billancourt
- Interpretation Center of the 1st World War, Souchez
- Rimbaud Museum, Charleville-Mézières
- Louvre Museum, Department of the Arts of Islam, Paris
- Institute of the Arab World, Paris
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